Inquiry and Encouragement

For a while there, I wondered if blogging, and blog readers would disappear. As things become more and more instant, and more brief, I wondered if our attention span would shrink to the point at which we wouldn’t have time to bother with books or blogs. Maybe the world would go the way of facebook, twitter, and instagram. I pondered abandoning this blog and moving my attempts at a creative outlet to instagram. Then I received an inquiry from someone who has a REAL blog.

Mary from chasing mailboxes d.c. contacted me to see if I’d be interested in answering a few interview questions. That was the inquiry, and that expression of interest was plenty encouraging all by itself. It is always uplifting to have someone you respect as having more talent and skill paying attention to your own feeble efforts. So I responded with enthusiasm, and she posted the interview HERE. Then I learned there was an even greater encouragement yet to come.

Mary did a series of interviews. What I learned is that there are several really talented and interesting bloggers out there I had not yet found. I’ve been reminded that blogs are not disappearing. More instant and brief options are available, but there remain people who observe, contemplate, and share more thoroughly. So my perspective on blogging has been refreshed. Seeing the work of these (new to me) fellow bloggers challenges me to learn how to improve my posts. I have many fine examples to follow.

So thank you, Mary, for the inquiry and interview. And thank you Annie who also recently posted about some new blogs she has found on anniebikes. If you enjoy blogs with cycling content, I suggest you take a look at some of the options provided. You might find something new to enjoy, or a little encouragement.



28 thoughts on “Inquiry and Encouragement

  1. I have gone through those same thoughts and concerns about the blog world. I decided that, as long as i have an outlet available, I will keep the blog alive. I enjoy it, a few other people seem to get something out of it, and it just satisfies me in a way that one or two sentences and a photo just doesn’t.

    i hope that you keep up the good work, for a long time. Thanks for hanging in there.

    • Good points. That reminds me that my post should have also thanked folks like you, Jon (, who have persistently posted blog gold for several years.

  2. I think there will always be a place for blogs. (There will always be a place for zines, too, but I’m weird like that.) I’ve also dipped my toes in the tumblr world. While there is good stuff over there, it is very visual/photography based, so my tumblr blog is pretty much that. Don’t think I’ll give up my “real” blog for tumblr anytime soon, esp. since Tumblr and all that stuff feels too “Brave New World-y” for me.

  3. Oh no. I don’t think blogs are disappearing at all. I blog and I read blogs. I find them a valuable source of inspiration and information. If I want to know whether kit is good or whether a particular route is worth walking / cycling I search blogs for information. Not reviews mind but stories of real people who have used the kit or walked / cycled the route. And when I lost for inspiration on where to go on an adventure, I read blogs and see that adventure is everywhere, you just need to have an open mind.

    I came to your blog through MG’s interview and am now a follower.

      • I’m just a beginner in multi-day cycle touring. I’ve only taken two trips – one as a bikepacking overnighter and one as a touring style overnighter. I’ve done quite a few overnight walks and canoe trips though and the principles are the same.

  4. Reading Pondero and several other blogs is a source of enjoyment, inspiration, and instruction for me. Although there is no cycling community where I live, reading blogs helps me to feel some degree of connectedness. I’m glad for those, including you, who take the time and energy to share their experiences. Thanks.

  5. Mr P, do not stop blogging. The long form of a blog is far more successful than the other options you mentioned. I find your blog to be an oasis of calm amongst the more competitive and gear driven stuff out there. Thank you.

    • Thanks for the very kind words. As I mentioned to DAN above, I wasn’t fishing for compliments. My post was intended more for relaying my own misreading of where things are headed. Apparently spending too much time on instragram can warp my perception of reality.

      • Chris, yes I like the other reply “calm in the storm” that you are which you transmit through your word & image play. And the instragram comment made me laugh it’s true…maybe it’s a generational thing? The blog format appeals to me as it resembles a magazine. Lastly, the reasons you cited are the reasons I post. Keep it coming I always enjoy.

  6. Short just doesn’t cut it. You can’t cram a life in to a couple of sentences and convey any depth of experience. Instagram is for little moments here and there. There will always be room for blogs.

    That being said, I’ve read your blog for some years now. I’ve always enjoyed reading about your rambles, your frequent rides, and an area of texas I might actually like to see some day (I’ve only visited Dallas.) It’s rare thing for much to hold my attention for as long as you have. Do keep on. You’re on to something, here.

  7. Thx ch.
    Ben woreed bout sm thng
    Les wrd now
    Gld sm1 elz stil wrtz gud
    Just kidding! Still love reading your blog Chris…I find there are still quite a few folks with attention spans still. However, I also have a hard time not getting sucked in by the garbage.

  8. I’m glad you are enjoying the series, and am so glad you were part of it! I’m learning so much as I read about each person’s foray into blogging.

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